Even Mr Cokeman has finally admitted it.

Michael Gove has apologised for a new Partygate video that shows Conservative officials dancing and laughing as they broke Covid lockdown rules, deeming their actions “terrible and “indefensible”.

Tens of thousands dying. Severe lock down restrictions in place. The country in choas. But this did not stop the nihilists in power.

But why are some people more selfish than others?

Are you vulnerable to voting Tory?

Selfishness as a personality trait can arise due to a variety of factors, including both environmental and individual factors. Here are some possible contributors to the development of selfish tendencies:

  1. Early upbringing: A person’s upbringing plays a significant role in shaping their personality. If someone grows up in an environment where their needs are consistently prioritised over others, they may learn that selfish behaviour is acceptable or even rewarded. Lack of proper guidance, discipline, or exposure to empathy can also contribute to the development of selfishness.
  2. Lack of empathy: Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a crucial component of altruistic behaviour. Some individuals may have difficulty experiencing or expressing empathy, which can lead to self-centeredness and an inability to consider the needs and perspectives of others.
  3. Individualistic culture: Societal values and cultural norms can influence the development of personality traits. In cultures that emphasise individualism, self-reliance, and personal success, individuals may be more inclined to prioritise their own needs and aspirations over those of others. Such cultures may place less emphasis on collective well-being and social responsibility.
  4. Fear and insecurity: Selfishness can sometimes be driven by fear and insecurity. If someone feels a constant sense of scarcity, whether it be in terms of resources, attention, or validation, they may become more focused on satisfying their own needs and protecting what they have rather than considering the needs of others.
  5. Reinforcement of selfish behaviour: Selfish behaviour can be reinforced through rewards or positive outcomes. If a person consistently benefits from putting their own interests first, they may be more likely to continue behaving selfishly. Over time, this can solidify selfishness as a personality trait.
  6. Lack of perspective-taking: Perspective-taking involves the ability to understand and consider the viewpoints and experiences of others. If someone struggles with perspective-taking, they may find it difficult to understand or empathize with others, leading to self-centered behavior.

It’s important to note that while these factors can contribute to selfishness, they do not excuse or justify it. Selfishness is generally seen as a negative trait as it disregards the well-being and interests of others. Developing a more considerate and empathetic outlook often involves self-reflection, learning, and consciously practicing behaviours that prioritise the needs of others alongside one’s own.

If you vote Tory you are complicit in this. It may not actually be entirely your fault. It depends on your interpretation of free will. If one does not believe in taking responsibility for one’s own behaviour one is particularly vulnerable.

Penny Lane

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