They may as well have gone the whole hog.

What is fascism?

Fascism is a far-right authoritarian political ideology that emerged in the early 20th century. It is characterised by dictatorial power, strong centralised control, and the suppression of dissenting opinions. Fascist governments are typically led by a single leader, often with a cult of personality, who claims to embody the will of the nation or the people.

Fascism promotes extreme nationalism, emphasising the importance of the nation or the ethnic group above the rights and interests of individuals. It often glorifies militarism, promotes a sense of racial or cultural superiority, and seeks to create a homogeneous society through exclusionary policies targeting minority groups. Fascist regimes frequently employ propaganda, censorship, and state-controlled media to manipulate public opinion and maintain control.

It certainly fits the Tories so far.

Economically, fascism advocates for a mixed economy that combines elements of private enterprise with state control. While private property may exist in a fascist system, the government exercises significant control over economic decisions, often through corporatism, where the state collaborates with corporations to achieve its goals.

Historically, the most well-known example of fascism is Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler. Other notable fascist regimes include Benito Mussolini’s Italy, Francisco Franco’s Spain, and António de Oliveira Salazar’s Portugal. It’s important to note that fascism is widely condemned today due to its association with totalitarianism, human rights abuses, and the atrocities committed during World War II.

Thus probably not a fascist then but almost. Starmer’s Labour and the Tories are one and the same. They are not meant to be the same.

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