We were tagged by

@jolly_angelina who listed her fantasy Opposition. We then started to discuss the idea of inviting people to construct their fantasy government front bench and their manifesto for change.

If we could put in place specific people to liberate this country from the establishment chokehold who would they be? And what manifesto would be needed to get our support?

As a citizen media, participatory democracy is integral to our philosophy. Without it we are puppets on a string.

Let us start with the following:

@jolly_angelina and her fantasy ministers.

Brian May, Environment.

Ken Loach, Dept of Work & Pensions.

Jeremy Corbyn, Home Secretary.

Roger Waters, Culture Media & Sport.

Marcus Rashford, Education

Yanis Varoufakis, Chancellor of the Exchequer’

The first instinct is that her choices are all male. Participatory democracy demands everyone is represented and that although there may be disagreements everyone is open to informed discussion and negotiation.

We have also spoken to the musician, songwriter and producer Martin Ware, who has created his own manifesto:

Anyone who would like to discuss their chosen government front bench and the manifesto that would excite them let us know and we can arrange a Ten By Six. Or please post your choices in the comments below for discussion.

We look forward to publishing the responses and chatting with some about their manifestos for change.

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