The cruel and irrational Tory campaign against Trudi Warner – the retired social worker who faced up to two years in prison for holding up a placard – has finally come to an end. Labour has decided not to pursue the case further, bringing to a close an ordeal that has lasted nearly 18 months.

Trudi’s case began in March 2023, after Judge Silas Reid, who had been silencing climate campaigners in court, accused Trudi of “trying to influence the jury” by holding up a placard outside the court. The placard simply reminded juries of their right to acquit according to their conscience – a 300-year-old legal principle inscribed on a plaque in the Old Bailey.

While awaiting her trial, Trudi often wondered if she would wake up from a nightmare and discover that she had actually committed some dreadful crime deserving of two years in prison. But, of course, she had done nothing wrong.

Thousands of people spoke out against her treatment, with many taking selfies holding the same sign, which we then turned into a campaign video and a print for Trudi. If she had been sentenced to prison, she said she would have taken the print with her, to keep her spirits up.

In May, Mr Justice Saini sharply criticised the prosecution, stating that the Tory solicitor general had “significantly mischaracterised the evidence”. However, Robert Courts chose to appeal.

Thankfully, justice has now prevailed, and Trudi can finally start making plans for the future.

Upon hearing the news, Trudi expressed her gratitude to her supporters and legal team, hoping they could now focus on “helping all the others already in prison”. She added, “I can go back to my gardening and maybe learn a language!”

We are delighted to see this sensible decision from Labour, which we hope signals the beginning of a more rational approach to peaceful protest, rejecting attempts by the Tories and Lord Walney to blur the distinction between protest and violent extremism.

When we stand together, we can build a fairer, greener world.

Thank you for standing with Trudi

The Good Law Project

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