Dorset Wildlife Trust is celebrating World Oceans Day in style at the Fine Foundation Marine Centre at Kimmeridge Bay, with a Bioblitz event and lots of free fun activities for families to get involved with.

If you are a wildlife lover or budding scientist, come along on Saturday 8th June to hunt for mini beasts, go rockpooling, eco-crabbing, bird watching, seaweed spotting or even try bat detecting! Get up-close to nature and watch divers and snorkelers to find out what wildlife lives below the waves.

Melinda Fisher, Marine Conservation Officer from Dorset Wildlife Trust said: “This is a great chance for families to help our wildlife experts and scientists find and record all the living species found both under the water and on the shore for our Bioblitz. There will be experts on hand to help identify species, photograph and give information about them, so it’s a great way to learn all about our exciting marine life.”

The results collected on the day will be used in a variety of conservation projects including increasing protection of our seas, through the designation of Marine Conservation Zones. All activities will start at the Fine Foundation Marine Centre, by the slipway.

Kimmeridge Bay is part of the Purbeck Marine Wildlife Reserve, which covers 8 miles of the stunning Jurassic coast and has the best rockpools in Dorset. Dorset Wildlife Trust’s Fine Foundation Marine Centre is free to enter and has children’s activities, displays and a small aquarium. The wardens run a programme of events such as rockpool rambles and craft activities throughout the holidays. For information about all our events, visit

For more information about the Bioblitz contact the Fine Foundation Marine Centre, Kimmeridge on: 01929 481044 or email [email protected]

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