Dorset Wildlife Trust’s Wildlife Friendly Gardening scheme has awarded the 300th plaque to a garden in Weymouth, in recognition of the wildlife haven which has been created by its owners, Caroline Perget and Mark Hutchinson. 

The impressive number of plaques now awarded by DWT proves the popularity and value of this wonderful Wildlife Friendly Gardening scheme.

Small changes to your garden can make a big difference to wildlife, such as providing bird boxes, bird baths and log piles for wildlife to flourish. The scheme focusses on providing habitats rich in plant and animal life, so wildlife can call your garden their home.

Wildlife Friendly gardening 300th plaque winner, Caroline Perget, said: “By nurturing wildlife we create a better environment for us all. The quality of our life is influenced by the environment we live in, therefore we should care for it, and it’s so much fun to discover the variety of visitors we have in our garden!”

Caroline and Mark’s garden has been altered beyond recognition, which not only benefits wildlife, but provides an enjoyable green space for them to spend time in. Caroline said: “We designed a wildlife garden which is practical, pleasurable and offers a wide range of habitats to encourage new species to enjoy.”

Joy Wallis, Community Conservation Officer at Dorset Wildlife Trust and founder of the scheme said: “I get so many fantastic stories and photographs sent to me it just goes to show how proud people are and how much they appreciate the wildlife that comes into their gardens. It all stands to demonstrate the importance of our gardens for wildlife – not just in Dorset, but on a national scale.”

Improved interaction between gardeners and their flora and fauna-filled outside spaces can create wildlife ‘stepping stones’ through an urban area. “These stepping stones can be found not only in gardens, but allotments, schools, community spaces and industrial estates,” Joy added.  

To take part in this fantastic scheme, make the most of the nice weather and to be awarded a plaque for your wildlife friendly garden go to and create your own wildlife haven perfect for nature to flourish and you to enjoy.

The Wildlife Friendly Gardening competition, sponsored by The Gardens Group, blossomed from the popularity of the 2008 scheme and is now in its fourth year. The competition celebrates those who have created habitats brimming with biodiversity whether large or small.

Mike Burks, Managing Director of The Gardens Group, said: “Having a wildlife friendly garden is good for the environment, and it’s a little bit of nature conservation, it’s really good fun and eventually the improved biodiversity starts to look after your garden too!”

The awards ceremony will take place on 1st August at Castle Gardens, Sherborne with guest speaker and wildlife gardening pioneer and author, Bob Gibbons. Prizes will include a wildlife friendly selection of products, gardening vouchers, books and a plaque for the winners. The evening is open to all for £5 and gives the opportunity to enjoy light refreshments whilst seeing and sharing examples of Wildlife Friendly Gardening practices. Tickets can be purchased via Joy Wallis at Dorset Wildlife Trust on 01305 264620 or through The Gardens Group.

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