The following is a quote from Richard Drax in 2013:

‘A poker player should not reveal his hand until he has to, so it is with some misgiving that I read that the Prime Minister is preparing the ground for a second coalition. Instead of running the risk of looking politically weak in the eyes of the electorate, we should be nailing our Conservative narrative to every post in the land. Conservativism is – or was – common sense politics, which sold a simple message that the freedom of the individual was the top priority, encouraging each and every person to reach their full potential without interference from the state. Regrettably, and as I predicted only hours after we were bounced into a coalition three years ago, we have been prevented from making the necessary decisions to really put the UK back on her feet, not least free us from a socialist-leaning superstate in the form of the EU. What the country has not seen, and it must, is what the Conservatives would do in the event of an outright win. A fair damsel a faint heart will never win, and I fear that political expediency and personal ambitions may prevent the Tory lion from roaring, which this country desperately needs it to do. Another coalition means selling out even more on our principles, which, in turn, leads to less faith in politics and politicians. It’s time to stand up and be counted and to look to the future of our nation and not our careers.’

He calls Conservatism ‘common sense politics’ which of course it just utter nonsense as more people oppose it than support it. The word ‘common’ is defined as ‘pertaining or belonging equally to an entire community, nation, or culture and ‘of frequent occurrence; usual; familiar’.

The best one though is ‘of mediocre or inferior quality; mean; low’. Here we could add ‘of psychopathic/sociopathic tendencies who don’t appear to give a shit apart from some insincere bluster when trying to be liked’.

If you consider this bad though what about his claim that the EU is a ‘socialist leaning superstate’? It is actually a neo liberal corporate wannabee superstate.

But the really interesting bit is that Mr Drax has applied for and accepted at least hundreds of thousands of pounds and some sources say over two million pounds in subsidies from this same ‘socialist leaning superstate’.  Why was this not on the front page of the Dorset Gekko? ‘Count Draxula Claims Millions From European Union’. Probably because it did not involve a car crash; a ‘yob’ or an iron man… or all of them at once.

Most embarrassingly however, was an experience relayed to me by a friend of mine. His daughter went on a trip to visit Parliament a couple of weeks back organised between Mr Drax; the local chamber of commerce and a local college. Whilst at Westminster Mr Drax addressed the students, which unknown to him were made up of a significant number of foreign students studying A levels within the Sixth Form. During this address Mr Drax not only laid in to some of these student’s home countries but also it appears included his limited range of Allo, Allo impersonations. This as one would expect went down like a lead balloon and not only with the students.

Some would call this racist. I will leave it with you.

And then this morning this: 

Pro-Remain MPs should resign, says Tory MP – apparently all pretense at democracy has also now ceased.

Aren’t the people of South Dorset blessed.

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