Prime Minister.

So Osborne reckons that he’s going to buy your Party a shedload of votes in 2015 by raising the minimum wage so that it regains its 2011 value does he?  Is his goal in life to eventually make sure that every one of the seven billion people on the planet know that he’s an idiot?  For the last three and a half years your Party in government has inflicted the most appalling nosedive into poverty upon the working people of the United Kingdom; you have destroyed not only living standards, but the very jobs that people relied upon to maintain them, and now you expect that we’re going to play kissy-kissy-make-up with you?  I suppose you and your Chancellor will expect us to believe, as a result of this obvious bribery attempt, like the fracking one, that yours is a party for the people after your Ministers have been caught out in lie after lie, after lie, about the state of employment, fracking, and the NHS.  Do yourself a Tebbit, old son.  Or, if you want to be more modern, make it a Mitchell.

On the subject of bikes, I see that Boris is doing his utmost to ensure that whether there’s a minimum wage rise or not, ordinary people will be even less able to afford to buy property in the Capital.  It doesn’t occur to him, I suppose, that property prices are already indicating strongly that bricks and mortar are at a premium, with demand far outstripping supply?  of course not – that would be common sense, wouldn’t it?  So, instead, he wants to ensure that a load of super-rich Arabs can buy up available properties in bidding wars between themselves and then leave them either standing empty, like London fire stations, or earning rents that only a handful of people with more money than sense would wish to pay.  And this clown fancies he might have a chance at premiership?  Good grief!

Another habitual liar has now come clean as well, I see, with Owen “Golden Rice” Paterson finally admitting that his Department got the BTB figures totally wrong.  Well, he would, wouldn’t he?  But I’m sure all the frustrated blood-sportsters had a whale of a time blowing innocent British wildlife to hell and back while he hummed and whored for them.  I notice he’s gone dead quiet about GMO stuff.  Would that have anything to do with the makers of Cheerios’ highly publicised decision to stop using genetically modified wheat in their cereal so that – as they hope – people might start buying them again?  Take a tip, Owen: If you need money that badly, invest in a peer to peer lending scheme.  Some good rates of return are available.  Funding Circle’s good – I’m with them myself.  So’s George.  Send him a paper aeroplane across the Cabinet table, with a message on it, asking him.

And finally, surprise-surprise! Psychosmiffy’s doing his own thing yet again while you’re all trying to convince the public that you’re cuddly types in the hope that by 2015 we’ll have forgotten the thousands of deaths of sick people, abuse of the vulnerable, and the domestic misery that your government has caused since 2010.  If he has his way with his planned benefits cap, the minimum wage rise won’t make an ounce of difference to families because it will actually pay them to split up, which will no doubt add to Gerald Howarth’s dentist bill as he grinds down on his fillings.

Typical Tories:  Pulling in different directions, as usual, and then dreaming up the most laughable lies about the consequences, or STILL trying to blame previous governments.  When we eventually develop time travel we’ll have to ask the Whigs what they think about that.  I really would have thought you’d have learned by now to take responsibility for your own cock-ups.  In charge of the nation?  I wouldn’t leave you lot in charge of a pedal car because within an hour you’d have all four wheels pointing to each of the cardinal points!

I suppose there’s still one place on the planet that you could get away with being cuddly.  I could drop Jong-Un a quick line or two if that would help?


Darren Lynch–business.html

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