Prime Minister,

Sir Peter Bottomley has ticked off 38 Degrees, who encourage constituents to email their MP’s en masse over certain issues, claiming that the move is “counter-productive,” “disrupts” MP’s work and “irritates” them.

Oh, really?  Why is Bottomley bothering to be an MP, if not to interact with the people he purports to represent?  Maybe he should just concentrate on his Board of Director seats that he’s earned from the corporations over the years, thereby escaping the attentions of the constituents who are so obviously getting in the way of that work, and leave the field clear for a candidate who actually DOES give a flying toss about the concerns of his constituents!

Oh… hang on! If he did that, he’d lose access to all his constituent-tax-funded Parliamentary perks, wouldn’t he?  That would never do!

If any proof was actually needed that you lot in Parliament don’t give a monkey’s about anyone but yourselves, the outburst by this egocentric, self-serving wally would be that proof.  As it is, we’ve known for ages that this is the case, and it’s why so few people bother to give candidates their approval any more.

There used to be a golden rule among proper statesmen and women, which said that if you couldn’t say anything sensible, keep your foolish trap shut.  Bottomley obviously hasn’t bothered to study his political history.  And he was given his knighthood for “services to politics”?  Dear Lord, what a joke!


Darren Lynch

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