Major investment to improve cycling, walking and bus travel along one of Bournemouth’s key commuter routes will get underway this summer.

As part of Bournemouth Borough Council’s commitment to make travelling in and around Bournemouth easier, safer and more attractive, improvements will be carried out on Castle Lane West between Broadway roundabout and Yeomans Way roundabout.

This £650k government funded scheme will:

  • Improve road safety for everyone travelling along this route
  • Create high quality walking and cycling routes which separates cyclists from traffic and provides them with priority at side roads
  • Improve journey times for cyclists by using innovative technology including a cycle bypass to help cyclists travelling through East Way junction
  • Enhance the area by de-cluttering and removing existing physical and visual barriers along pavements
  • Provide faster and safer crossing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Improve bus passenger waiting areas

Councillor Michael Filer, Cabinet Member for Transport said, “These works are part of a wider scheme to improve travel in and around the Bournemouth area.

“Recognised as a key commuter route to schools and work places, these improvements will benefit those who already travel to school and work by bike, bus and walking, and will encourage others to travel more sustainably.

“Some 25% of the town’s primary and secondary school children attend schools in and around this section of Castle Lane and it is vital to give confidence to both our children and parents that this route will be a safer option for pedestrians and cyclists. In doing so we will be able to reduce car journeys along Castle Lane West and reduce congestion.”

Work is planned to start at the beginning of summer this year and expected to finish bySeptember 2014. To minimise disruption to the travelling public, these works are being planned to maintain two-way traffic throughout.

Ian Kalra, Head of Transportation Services said, “Bournemouth is continuing to grow as a vibrant coastal town, which means there will be more people travelling in the future. These improvements are part of a major project by Bournemouth Borough Council to help people move around the town in the long-term.

“We are aware that there may be some disruption, however we can assure local residents and businesses as well as the travelling public, that various traffic measures will be implemented to keep this to a minimum.”

Local residents, businesses and commuters who travel along this route have the opportunity to give feedback on the plans for Castle Lane West by visiting Council officers will also be holding an information day at Castlepointon Thursday 3rd April between 10am and4pm, where people are welcome to learn more about the improvements.


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