Mr Billy Bragg is a Dorset resident. I respect Billy Bragg for his compassion and his forthright campaigning style. From what I have learned about him through “Question Time” and other TV programmes he appears to be a good and honest man. He could be knighted. He is an avid campaigner for humanitarian causes worldwide. He is articulate when appearing on TV and is always very clear about his views whether political, musical, or otherwise. I share those credentials, though not all of his views. I am of the centre ground of politics, not of the left like Mr Bragg.

As we both get older, we are clearly getting gradually more conservative. Since he was a younger man, Mr Bragg has steadily moved from the anarchic far left, through left Labour then centrist Labour to – four years ago in 2010 – proclaiming that he would vote for the Lib Dems*. He encouraged the rest of us to do the same. A lot of us did just that. Is he now sharing our disappointment? Has he now decided that he will support the centrist UKIP or even the Conservatives in the 2015 elections? As he is now a Dorset man maybe he will kindly let us know his current voting intentions.

Roger Clark

* Billy Bragg’s advocation for voting Lib Dem has been for a number of elections a tactical decision with the aim of ridding the constituency of the sitting Conservative MP. He does not see himself as a Liberal Democrat.

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