This is probably the most disturbing article I have ever written. If the following comes about, the corrupt globalist bankers and their political puppets are pushing hard, then this is the end of the line for personal liberties and a civilised trading/bartering society.

I’m talking about the global proposals to outlaw CASH!

Unbelievable? Why is this not in the press, on the news, everywhere? It’s obvious, it’s far too dangerous for the corrupt bankers to warn and publicise.

An immediate thought might be, that no cash to cart around is a good thing …….. BUT the only beneficiaries, as always, are the banksters and governments. When and if it comes to pass, it will be sold to us as a benefit and a fait accompli.

Have a read of the attached, it’s scary and will, at a stroke, lead to total enslavement of those with any savings, capital or assets.


They will own you, control you, reward and punish, all by having TOTAL control of all dosh and what you do with it!

We MUST all realise that any monies deposited in ANY savings or current account is NOT OURS. The banks have already changed their rules. WE ARE ALL NOTHING MORE THAN UNSECURED CREDITORS. Humanity is already monetised from the cradle to the grave. We are all nothing more than commodities to be used and abused as seen fit by the Globalists.

There will be no escape, no appeal, no other route, it’s that simple and planned that way.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Intellectual property of:-

James Pulleine

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