I’m terribly upset that Corbyn wouldn’t push the button that launches nuclear weapons that would kill millions of people. (figurative I know there is no actual one button that launches bombs).

Like so many people I was really hoping the new Labour leader would willingly exterminate entire cities, but alas, no, he’s too extreme for that.

Has the argument been lost on Trident? Houghton seems to think that because Corbyn said it that it undermines the purpose of having them, personally I think there being no reason to have them anymore undermines them, in the 80s, sure they were a deterrent, in 2015 they deter only the reasons or non reasons for why they should be renewed.

High profile Generals and ex Sea Lords (please tell me that’s where gay lord comes from) are all so eager to provide us with their opinions, are they ideally positioned to provide that opinion? I don’t think so, these people are relics of a bygone era, eager to renew Trident so they have a Job and some sort of semblance of importance.

This country has no place on the world stage anymore, we should be humble and retire, like macca should. We draw an enormous amount of attention to ourselves and its always much ado about nothing, by that I mean Oil or being that guy whose a twat for no reason all the time, we are kings of blowing our own trumpet when we can’t even decide if a bloke that doesn’t want to kill people is a good thing or not.

The only Job we (as in the general public) have is to inform our fellow citizens on why they should never elect the Tories in to power again, just throw out the reminders on how they fucked the country 30 years ago and everyone forgot and now they are letting them do it again, and everyone is stood around with surprised looks as if they didn’t know they were still the same people and each have their own shrines to Margaret Thatcher in their dungeons (Gideon carries a picture of her around his neck). Of course there are those that will stand there with their fingers in their ears and try to shift the argument to how far Corbyn bowed at the Cenotaph and if soft back books are a good thing and if people are struggling financially why don’t hey just ask mummy and daddy to sack a couple of house staff or pay the bills for the second mansion for them.

There is still 5 years to go, just make sure you are on the right side of history. If you think Tories are at all representative of your values then I know a very good Doctor who would probably be more than happy to perform that full frontal lobotomy you need.

Tom Brown

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