Last autumn 429 places were taken up at the 40 plus free sessions that Try This …Dorchester was able to offer. Many sessions were ‘sold out’ within a few days of the programme going live on our website. We received some heart-warming feedback:

“It’s a wonderful festival. Having been a leader and a session participant I thought every aspect was very well organised and the festival is a credit to those who run it and a real asset to Dorchester.”

“An excellent idea. I have just moved to Dorchester and this gave me an excellent opportunity to investigate activities available in the area.

Thank you for all your hard work in organising this event.”

“The Try This event is a brilliant idea – long may it continue. The enthusiasm and sense of achievement that was apparent at yesterday’s session was palpable. Many thanks to all concerned.”

“I just think it is a brilliant idea and well put together with a highly efficient, and easy to use, website. There was such a wide range of activities that there has to have been something there for everybody.”

Save This Date – 2 July-10 July

Try This … Dorchester is trying a new, earlier date for its programme of FREE taster sessions this year. So whatever else you are planning to do in early July book some time out for Try This……..

By moving the event from the autumn we believe that we will attract even more people because it will be daylight for the early evening sessions; we are also hoping for clement weather for the outdoor daytime sessions planned for the two weekends.

New Session Leaders Wanted

We try to extend and expand the range of subjects we cover every year – who knew that Campanology would be the big hit in 2015!! So if you are passionate about a subject or activity, or have a skill you are willing to share, here is your opportunity to lead a session. Just visit the web site: and click on Initial Session Idea Submission, fill out the online form and send it to us.

Notes for editors

Try This … Dorchester is now in its 4thyear, it is organised and coordinated by a group of volunteers. The aim of the project is not just to allow people to try something new but to pave the way for the development of new hobbies, skills, interests, even careers.

Benefits of the project include skills and confidence building the reduction of social isolation and helping people to develop a more positive sense of their local community. The project is very low cost and sustainable and has the potential to create a lasting legacy.

For further information please email the team at:

[email protected]

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