Britain’s beaches were awash with sewage, acid rain gasses belched from our power stations and our nature was in decline.

Membership of the European Union has helped clean up our image. Here are some headline examples:

1. Thanks to the EU over 95% of our beaches are clean enough to swim in.

In the 1970s we pumped our untreated sewage straight into the sea. EU laws have forced the UK to, quite literally, cut the crap.

2. We were losing 15% of our protected sites a year. Now it’s 1% thanks to EU nature laws.

The Nature Directives protect valuable sites across the EU. These sites are home to Europe’s most threatened species and habitats.

3. Before our EU membership, pollution from the UK’s coal-fired power stations was causing acid rain.

Forests across Europe withered. EU action put an end to this.

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