Like most people I have been horrified at the rise in hate crime against minorities that has been happening in the United Kingdom recently.

Fuelled by the referendum, right wing parties and far right organisations have become emboldened, resulting in real people in the real world getting really hurt.

Like most people I have been frustrated and angry but mostly I have felt helpless to do anything about it.



I am asking people who feel like me to wear a hijab, a headscarf, this Friday in support, in sympathy, in protest.

This is not an endorsement of any religion and I don’t want to go into lengthy discussion about how some people see it as a symbol of oppression because millions of Muslim ladies in this country do not see it that way, they are being spat upon, told to go home and having their hijabs ripped from their heads.

I find this unacceptable in my country in 2016 and I hope that if enough people do this then people will be asked in the media why they are doing it and they will be able to tell them.

I have spoken with many Muslims about this idea and none of them find it offensive, all of them like it and are very supportive.

Unfortunately far too many of them are frightened so it is up to people like me, and you, to try and stem the fear of our friends and neighbours.

That’s all.

It’s simple.

It’s easy.

This Friday, July 8th, National Hijab Day.

Richard Day

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