Sorry about this-but the article about some sports venture needing our vote really grinds my gears.

I`m just sick of the time and attention given over to these vainglorious obsessives and the sheeple that follow it all. 

Looked at in the right context and normal magnification, it will be a good thing. But look what the Olympics, football etc have now turned into – dedicated sports channels free, wall to wall top and tailing of EVERY damned news item. And all given over to freak shows and homoeroticism as exemplified in endless sport fixations and close-ups of (let`s face it) extremely dull people who maybe ought to have spent more time in class, and less in the pharmacy or the gym. Let alone time wasted in endless ferrying around to show pony events that nobody on Planet Real gives a damn about.

And no-sport is NOT inclusive, leaves NO legacy…just a load of wasted, futile lives, and attention seeking, monosyllabic stunted stumps of people who may have contributed to society. Not the pharmaceuticals, the homoerotic lardarses in the media and money train and the technological weirdities of a football or a tennis raquet for some Prep and perp college in the MId-West.

Sport needs to be decoupled from its cheridee lobby too-who gives a stuff about Francis Benali or Eddie Izzards conquests of their inner demons. Only Solent and the BBC. And fat obsessives who`ve not kicked anything but their cat since 1998.

Enough already. Stuff sport, fuck football. Give your charity money in secret as Jesus asks. And get fit at your own expense, don`t bore me with your  PBs or such. Sportended with Francoise Durr and Betty Stove, John Robertson and Fat Jack Simmons.

Todays weirdies are simply all circus and no bread-except for themselves (or in the case of King Lineker of Leicester…all crisps!).

Alicia Sinclair

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