On the Left, there is the old, traditional Left (whose mast my own colours are nailed to), of the Tony Benn and, more latterly, George Galloway vintage, who are implacably opposed to transnational, overbearing, anti-democratic organizations. In particular, neo-con globalist ones. Thus, it was entirely logical for someone like me to vote Leave in the EU referendum. Then there is the liberal left, who are the neo-cons’ chief cultural bitch and gatekeepers of the views of the Guardian reading liberal bourgeoisie. Who present the “happy” face of globalism where everyone holds hands and sings Kumbaya. And, if anyone has the temerity to raise local economic or cultural objections to the ugly, underlying reality of globalism, they are branded a racist and bigot. Corbyn’s problem is that he is ultimately tied to the globalist agenda of the liberal left.

On the Right, there is the old, traditional Right, that has always held the nation-state to be sovereign and where, latterly, it has morphed into UKIP. Then there is the neo-con, globalist Right, represented, at least on the surface, by apparently socially liberal types such as Cameron and Osborne and, even, May. But who, in terms of the underlying economic reality, have no care whatsoever for local nation state economies or cultures or, even people. Where people are treated merely as another commodity to be assigned a price and then shunted around the world as profit dictates. And, if anyone has the temerity to raise local economic or cultural objections to the neo-cons’ rapacious search for global profits, they are dismissed at best or are crushed at worst. May’s problem is that she is ultimately tied to the globalist agenda of the neo-con Right.

In short, the issue of Globalism versus Localism is one that transcends the issue of Left versus Right and until and unless people of goodwill on both the Left and the Right acknowledge this, the war against the neo-con, global corporations is lost.

Stephen Cook

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