Dorset Wildlife Trust’s (DWT’s) Seal project has enabled conservationists to discover that a resident seal, originally named ‘Domino’ has set up home in Poole Harbour for nine years, after a journey from France in 2007 when she was just a pup. 

Using photographs submitted to the DWT seal project, the serial number of a tag on her flippers could be read and was traced back to the Association CHENE in France which recorded rescuing and subsequently releasing her in Baie du Mont Saint-Michael in 2007.  She was fitted with a satellite transmitter and was recorded arriving in Poole Harbour in January 2008.  

She was named ‘Domino’ in the Dorset seal ID catalogue, but it’s now been revealed that her original name is ‘Bonnemine’.  Her rescuers in France were delighted to hear that she is alive and well across the Channel, proving all their efforts have been worthwhile.

Other seal sightings include the two rescued common seal pups released in Poole Harbour back in December 2016 with the RSPCA after their rehabilitation.  They’ve been seen interacting with the established resident group and photographs taken by members of the public and sent to DWT are helping us establish the health and development of the pair.

To read more about the original seal release in December visit

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