For almost thirty years I have been without a bladder, (urostomy) and like those with either a colostomy or ileostomy, access to public toilets are a MUST, it’s not a case of “hang on a minute”. Plus, an added issue for me is that I must drink frequently due to the diagnosis of CKD stage 3 of 5.

Most people now know that the toilets at the junction of New Bond St and the Esplanade have now gone, leaving very few. Within the building which houses the Beach Control Office, on the land side, are two toilets that might not as well be there. One is accessible with a Radar key, however the catch is faulty, giving the impression it is locked, and you have to kick the door to gain entry. Next to it is an unlocked toilet which has baby changing facilities but this one is bolted.

Moving along, there are stairs leading down to toilets, but these too are inaccessible due to padlock and chains.

Even further along, are more stairs which surprisingly enough DO lead to toilets, however there is no one available to issue wellingtons in order that one can avoid the half inch depth of water.

To tell visitors that like us locals, if they need to use toilet facilities whilst in town, they should use either Debenhams, McDonalds or Marks & Spencer, is somewhat embarrassing.

The gem of toilets, imo, are those in Alexandra Gardens Amusement Centre.
So, I await with interest how this post will be received. I know and you know, I’m right.

Colin Hobbs

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