Most of the attention has so far been on the herd mentality victims who agreed with the government that death is better than life. However, it appears that the police have bought in to it partially too. Some officers are wearing the protective gear but allowing the public to share the virus and swamp the care services?

It will be interesting to see the PR machine chugging out their rubbish after this.

Penny Lane

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  1. Considering the whole narrative of the virus spawns from what essentially is a gang of criminals who have a lot to gain from it… my question to you is… how do you know the criminals are telling you the truth? these criminals are so rich that behind the scenes they basically own the MSM and the narrative.

    You base your hatred towards the protesters and police because you believe a narrative which seems to have been overblown and in some cases completely faked.

    What if those theories are right?

    Would you write an article to apologize to the Police and the protesters?

    I think we are being lied to… massively.

    I think this for many reasons.

    Many doctors, nurses, researchers, investigative reporters have made claims in alternative channels such as:

    You can be added to the statistics for many reasons even when CV19 is not even present or when the only test done was an assumption.

    The tests can be positive but they are testing for strains of corona, almost all of us have had a variation, so you will test positive.

    There are financial incentives for hospitals to declare patients as CV19 positive, even more rewards for having to use the respirators.

    Heard statisticians saying that even without the lockdown, the effects are so minute that no one might have even noticed it.. Sure, some would have died, but millions die from other preventable problems every year, no one cares about those deaths it seems.

    What about the fact that the WHO#s President made the controversial decision to make President Mugabe one of the WHO’s Ambassadors? doesnt that show corruption to you?

    What about the connections between people at the CDC/WHO and Vaccines? and even the lab now finally being talked about as a possible source?

    Or you still think its a bat?

    What about the successful early trials of the hydroxychloroquine and zinc? perhaps you should join the protesters, give them the good news and bring some of that w you if you are paranoid the virus will get ya?

    If you think is so contagious that these “idiots” are spreading it to each other on the bridge… then how come the whole world is not infected?

    If it transmits so easily, wouldnt all people at airports sharing a plane with hundreds, then going to airports that have thousands, many of those going in more planes, to more aiports… wouldnt they have contaminated basically everyone apart from remote towns and villages?

    And I am not even talking about busy train/bus stations.

    YOu mention the Swarms of ppl at hospitals?

    Have you done a search for that? most seem empty, you can #Filmyourhospital. It applies worldwide, you can try it in different languages in badly affected nations like Italy and Spain…. empty everywhere…

    Oh wait, not empty… filled with medical staff doing dances on social media… such are the swarms.

    There was a video used in the news of a busy hospital in Italy… and then they used the same video for a hospital in NYC… TWICE!

    The lines of people waiting to get tested in NYC on a particular day have been proven to have been either actors or homeless ppl paid to stand in a queue… the team behind the video have titles such as “Medical Simulations” in their LinkedIn Accounts.

    But hey, who knows what is real and what is fake…

    Maybe… instead of writing small pieces like this spewing hate, perhaps you should do what I think is your job… investigative reporting?

    If you do this for free… then fair enough… you get what you pay for I guess.

    Stop watching tv, investigates who broadcasts the shit you watch…

    How about you start by watching a film about the MSM called “Out of the Shadows”.??

    May that change your life… as I said at the start, they are criminals… and not seeing them as that shows ignorance of Geopolitics, history and the ability to see patterns.