So many people are castigating The Racist Rapist for suggesting that injecting disinfectant might cure coronavirus. Rightly so, obviously… the man is an unbelievably dangerous imbecile with ulterior motives in every word he says.

But when he locked children in cages and concentration camps, so many people said: “Well, he’s just tough on immigration!”

When he banned Muslims from entering the country and forced the diversion of funds from the Military to the building of his wall, people just said: “He’s protecting his country!”

When he gave a $2.5 Trillion tax break, 83% of which goes to the richest 1%, people said: “He’s ‘Making America Great Again!'”

When he engaged in crazed trade wars which severely economically damaged Americans, including farmers, people just said: “He’s putting ‘America First!'”

When he gave crazed racist, sexist talk radio pig Rush Limbaugh the Congressional Medal of Honour, people said: “Well, he just likes people who are outspoken and forthright – like he is!”

When he refused to provide his tax returns, refused to meet or answer Robert Mueller’s questions, lied about the $130K hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels and lied about his bribery and coercion of the Ukraine President, people just said “He’s done nothing wrong: that’s his prerogative!”

When, in Helsinki, he took Putin’s side over his own Intelligence Agencies who said Russia interfered in the 2016 Election and said: “I don’t know why he would do” and then, on receiving massive criticism, lied to the American public and the world by saying that what he meant to say was the opposite (‘I don’t know why he wouldn’t do’…. which of course makes no sense whatsoever), thus putting American democracy and security at risk, people still defended him!

When he pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord and the Iran Nuclear Deal – both of which put all our lives at risk – people still defended him!

When he boasted of sexually assaulting women by ‘grabbing their pussies’, people still defended him!

When he called journalists ‘the enemy of the people’, people still defended him!

When he lied and lied and lied…. every day (now 18K false or misleading claims in office), people still defended him!

When he consistently attacked and dismantled the checks and balances to his authoritarian power which are crucial in a democracy and acted like a fascist, people still defended him!

When he viciously raped his first wife, people still defended him!

I could easily write 500 or more of these sentences.

Donald Trump is a racist, sexist, homophobic, narcissistic, self-aggrandising, authoritarian, fascistic, bullying, abusive, vindictive and unbelievably dangerous man!

It shouldn’t have taken his lunatic notion of injecting disinfectant for everyone to realise!!

He’s been forcing Americans to inject disinfectant for over 3 years!! 

Tom Lane

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