Boris Johnson and those in his Cabinet who are allowed to speak to the media are simply making it up as they go along. Facts are now entirely an inconvenience. The post truth age is now upon us. From Trump across the pond to Boris Johnson’s government it has become a competition to see who can get away with the biggest lie and who has the most gullible electorate.

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic it was never about informing the public with reality. It has now become a game called ‘getting away with it’.

Facebook and many other social media is littered with information that is sourced from competent informed individuals who access valid and reliable sourced data. However, far too many simply do not care about facts anymore. To be honest for many the absence of facts appears to make them feel more adequate. They can believe the posh voices without any substance whatsoever. They can simply go along with the public school chummies no matter the consequences for others. We are all individuals now. F*** the rest.

However, at some point the country will need competence and respect again and no matter how the Tory supporters go about it they are merely holding the country back. The very rich will prosper but the rest will ultimately pay for their folly.

Let’s take testing. Many Tory supporters merely repeat that the government met their target as promised. Of course they did if the facts are unimportant. But when facts are in play the government fell far short, continue to fall far short and will fall short on everything because their voters are not demanding the best. They merely accept Tory best which is about as much use as Savlon for a cobra bite.

Look at these figures. Take them in and then listen to the prime minister and his hand picked crew of liars. What does it tell us?

We are being cheated. All of us.

I am not comfortable with that. Are you?

James Finlayson

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