HOW is the disgraced former general secretary of Labour, Iain McNicol, a man alleged in the Labour leaks report to be at the epicentre of the most despicable sabotaging in the party’s history tweeting about an ar*e-licking piece about KS in the New Statesman?!

I mean, this is astonishing for so many reasons:

1. WHY is he STILL not suspended pending investigation, as his alleged misdemeanours are as serious as it is possible to be?!,

2. Is this the most blatant, perverse and downright corrupt attempt of influencing the result of the investigation….or what happens after? The arrogance here is so enraging. How dare this man do this…seemingly with impunity?! This is shocking and an absolute f**king embarrassment to justice or even a basic level of morality. This is so insulting to so many people.

If the response to this is to say “let’s move on”, or “we’re polling better” etc, then YOU are part of the problem. YOU are condoning turning a blind eye to alleged actions that, literally, stopped Labour being in power. Those things have nothing to do with this leaked report. PEOPLE HAVE LITERALLY DIED because our policies are not being rolled out. The allegations, there in black and white quoting people in their own words, in the report, show those people quite literally wanted us to LOSE and worked to that end. It doesn’t matter whether you are in the left, right, middle…whatever.

If you do not, after due process, kick such people a million miles away from the party, and pursue any relevant criminal & civil legal action, then WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE PARTY.?! If you cannot agree that the whole premise of your party is to gain power to represent ‘The People’, or if you do F.A.about those who sabotage that, then WHY should any member ever lift a finger for the party again? To have all that undermined by people like this?! Who then do what the f**k they want with impunity?! Because, if proven, these alleged spiteful hate-mongers didn’t get their way?! So they jeopardise power and people’s lives?! As disgraceful as it is possible to be. Shocking. The ‘stitch up panel’ investigating things fills members with no confidence at all. The fear is a couple of token gesture hand slaps, or temporary bans for said people to later weasel their way back in. Prove us wrong. Please.

I will also remind people that the Labour ‘right’ have historically behaved in appalling ways. A good example of this? They kicked ANEURIN BEVAN out of the party in 1939. Let that sink in. I will not shut up about this hypocrisy, and don’t anyone dare say ‘unity’ to me with this kind of behaviour allegedly going on. We can only move on when every single last polluting, poisonous seed is removed, root & branch. Only then. I call on my fellow members to consider staying and not shutting up about this. If you feel bullied and pressured, do not give in. Imagine what Keir Hardie or Aneurin Bevan would do and say. They would be as furious and as vocal. Honour their memory by defending our core principles and making sure despicable, and downright evil people are removed and not allowed to infect our party ever again.


The New Statesman article

Adam Samuels

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