Michael Gove looks like his tongue has been glued to the top of his mouth when he is caught out:

Here the sycophantic parrots repeat Tory central office commands in unison with statements that bear no relation to reality:


A member of the Durham public exposes the Tory support for Mr Cummings’ Jackanory moment:


A junior minister then resigns effectively saying that all of the information he has received means that the Tory yarn is not shared by his constituents.


And on and on it goes with minister after minister losing any credibility they may have had.

The party will hope for an incident on a London bridge now to distract, however given that it is not during an election cycle that would be unusual.

Douglas James

On top of this one of this Tom Lane has 10 questions for Mr Cummings and his Tory poodles:

1. Why did your wife not drive back to London (we know she can drive as her own words below reveal) – as you have made clear that she was feeling well before you were – and this would not then have necessitated your ‘test drive’ to Barnard Castle?

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and text

2. Right wing social media pundits have circulated the notion that your son is autistic and should therefore be treated as a vulnerable child. Has your son been diagnosed with autism?

3. You have stated that, on Friday 27th March, your wife called and said she was feeling very ill. You stated that you went home to see her and then you returned to work. Are you aware that this clearly breached the guidelines and put your work colleagues at risk?

4. The government’s guidelines state clearly that, if one member of your household has symptoms, the entire family must isolate at home. The guidelines further state that, where possible, the infected person be isolated within the household and that travel to second homes is not permitted. Are you aware that your actions to travel in a car with your symptomatic wife and your child for several hours and go to what any reasonable person would consider a second home breaches the guidelines in multiple ways?

Furthermore, you stated that your nieces offered to assume childcare duties and that this was your main rationale for travelling to Durham. Where in the guidelines does it state that it’s OK to potentially infect members of your extended family in another region of the country?

5. You stated that your actions were primarily concerned with meeting the childcare needs of your son. The guidelines are very clear that, in these circumstances, the entire household must isolate at home and the infected person should be kept apart from other household members where possible. Instead of following these guidelines, you put your child in a car with your symptomatic wife for a likely 4.5-hour period. Your son later became very ill and needed hospitalisation. Do you consider that exposing your son to a significant viral load like this was the best way to take care of your son and are you aware that this was also a clear breach of the guidelines?

6. (Based upon Craig Murray’s work): The public may not be aware that Barnard Castle is a town, not just a castle. As I’m sure you are aware, Glaxo Smithkline have a major site at Barnard Castle. This is the same Glaxo Smithkline that were fined £37.6 Million in 2016 for bribing companies not to produce generic versions of their out-of-patent drugs and therefore defrauding the NHS. This is also the same Glaxo Smithkline for whom Chief Scientific Advisor Patrick Vallance worked for twelve years before he was appointed to his current role.

Just two days after your visit to Barnard Castle, Glaxo Smithkline signed an agreement with Sanofi to develop and manufacture a Covid-19 vaccine. At any time during your visit to Durham, including your trip to Barnard Castle, did you meet with anyone who works for Glaxo Smithkline?

7. One of the complaints to the police was made by someone who has stated that, on 12th April, they saw you in the marketplace on the other side of the road with a group of people. Were you at this location and who were the group of people?

8. You remain in contempt of Parliament (passed by a resolution of the House of Commons) for refusing to be questioned by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s inquiry about issues relating to the EU Referendum, including the illegal actions of the Vote Leave campaign.

You were the Prime Minister’s Chief Advisor during the 2019 Election when the number of postal votes (managed by the company IDOX who have strong Conservative Party connections) sky rocketed from all previous elections – but only did so in England, not, for example, in Scotland.

Having spent three years working in Russia, you will undoubtedly be aware of the links between the Conservative Party and wealthy Russian oligarch donors.

Do you know too much to be sacked?

9. In the New Year, you advertised for ‘misfits and weirdos’ as well as ‘super-forecasters’ to apply for positions in government working under your direction. It soon emerged that one of those was Andrew Sabisky, a man with a history of racist views and an abhorrent interest in eugenics, and he was duly sacked. The public have a right to know who is working at the heart of government and to scrutinise their credentials and history. Will you therefore publish a full list of all those people who you have hired to work in our government, including those, like Sabisky, who are classed as ‘contractors’?

10. How come none of your ‘super-forecasters’ mentioned the Coronavirus?!

It appears that no matter the lies and blatant disrespect of the British public this government will dump all over us and democracy.

One last question:

What can we do to get rid of you all? Your Psych Ops must be scared of something.

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