It is completely normal for seals to haul themselves out on to the shore. Please leave them alone! Seals that are seen on shorelines across the globe, even young seals on their own are not necessarily stranded or in need of help.

Seals are semi-aquatic, meaning they spend some of their lives in the water and some of it on land. They haul out on rocks or the shore to warm and dry in the sun, molt, give birth, or sometimes just to rest.

Seals don’t need to stay wet and can go days without eating. Seal moms provide very high fat milk to the nursing pups, which enables the pups to wean and head out on their own very early in life. We know the desire to help an animal can be overwhelming, especially if it’s a pup by itself, but do not disturb the seals.

The vast majority of the time what they need most is valuable rest and to be left alone by humans. Our visible presence is ALWAYS stressful to a young seal that is struggling to survive.

Thanks to Lisa Skelsey:

Sam Cridland

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