This was the state of Durdle Door last night, at midnight. 4 refuse sacks weren’t even a dent. It’s like litter picking at an open landfill site. Friday, me and my friend picked up 8 refuse sacks from Durdle Door, 3 from Oswald Bay and Man O’ War and spent over 4 hours of unpaid service picking up plastic, tampons, sanitary towel, nappies, abandoned tents, you name it.
Had heard the Lulworth Cove was bad too and the villagers are traumatised by the state of their home.
The sea was a tip, the caves were a tip.
15 tents all occupied, there would have been probably 40 people down there staying the night.
3 tents at Man O’ War that have been there for days.
The cliffs have been vandalised. There is poo and soiled wet wipes everywhere and behind every corner it absolutely stinks of crap and urine.
Wild camping is illegal. Defacing a World Heritage Site with graffiti is illegal. Fly tipping is illegal.
Our heritage is falling to pieces.
Erin Tyrrell