Anyone **NOW** who voted for Boris Johnson’s CONservatives in last year’s election who **STILL** thinks that was the correct thing to do in light of tens of thousands of people dead who definitely should not, and would not, be, is absolutely a genuine psychopath.

I do not mean people would not have died from COVID-they would have with anyone in charge. I mean that the numbers would be far more like Cuba, New Zealand, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Venezuela than they would be current U.K. or USA levels, for example. Anyone who thinks that is harsh: how else would you describe someone **knowing** about the fatal incompetence, starving school kids, giving £12 billion in OUR money in the form of contracts to their mates to completely f**k-up Track & Trace, being very corrupt re other contracts in other areas, who thinks cutting money to terminally ill people to give to billionaires, who knows we continue to sell arms illegally to kill innocent children in Yemen, and elsewhere, while those kids also literally starve, who back Johnson & Cummings et al pi**ing in the faces of U.K. citizens with their arrogance re not obeying their own rules, who is leading us into a hard/no deal Brexit when the world is in its worst ever recession while there is a huge global pandemic, while telling minimum wage workers, who are literally in poverty due to low main wage, that they now need to survive on only two thirds of that…well, what else would you call someone who knows all that and **STILL** thinks their vote went to the right lot?!

I would love to know how you would define a psychopath if the above is not one?

Adam Samuels


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