We are having 2 Young People’s Assemblies next week, exclusively for people aged 16-25 years. We will focus discussions on the future and what can must / can change to make it better.
join the Zoom meeting via this link
Dorset Peoples Assemblies on Climate Emergency
Dorset Council declared a climate emergency in May 2019 and have spent the past 18 months gathering “facts” and writing a strategy and action plan.
Dorset Council recognise that global warming, climate change and species loss is real. In their strategy they state, “we have only 8-10 years at the current rate, within which serious action is required to avert this crisis and avoid the worst impacts.”
Dorset Council believes we have less than a decade to drastically reduce our carbon emissions and prevent further wildlife loss. However, the strategy and action plan works to a 20 year timeframe to become a net zero carbon Council, and 30 years to be a net zero carbon county. There is a disconnect between what Dorset Council say and what they intend to do.
Dorset Council’s Public Consultation on the strategy and action plan is now open and will close on 20th January 2021.
The Assemblies
The People’s Assemblies will provide an opportunity for you to talk with other people across Dorset about the emergency and Dorset Council’s response to it.
The consultation is our chance to tell the Council what we think of the action plan.
- Does it reflect the urgency they say is needed?
- Is this an emergency response that will keep us our communities and our environment safe and secure?
- What’s missing?
If you are unsure about the effects of the climate and ecological emergency, or want to know more about the facts and the science, this video might be useful: Climate & Ecological Emergency: What’s the Urgency?https://player.vimeo.com/video/443407906?byline=0&portrait=0
What happens after the Assemblies?
During the Assemblies we will collect everyone’s comments, opinions, ideas, fears, and questions. We will put them all together in a summary and submit them to the formal Dorset Council consultation process, on behalf of the Assembly participants. This means that everyone’s contribution will be heard by the Council. We also encourage everyone to make their own individual submission – and if you’re not sure how to do that, we will be covering it in the Assembly.
Join us and lend your voice to this historical consultation
The People’s Assemblies are being organised, facilitated and supported by a number of groups in Dorset including;
Dorset Climate Action Network
Transition Towns Network
Sustainable Dorset
Friends of the Earth East Dorset
Planet Purbeck
Planet Shaftesbury
Extinction Rebellion
South Coast Progressives
Portland 4 the Planet
Dorchester Churches’ Ecology Group
The more people who come to these assemblies the more weight our collective voice will have in the final consideration Dorset Council give to OUR action plan. Everyone is welcome.