Johnbosco Nwogbo (@NwogboJohnbosco) works as a Campaigns Officer at public ownership campaigns group, We Own It (@We_ownit). He got his start in campaigning in the mid-2010s at the University of Fort Hare, South Africa, as part of the Fees Must Fall and Decolonise the Curriculum movements. For the last three years, he has been a campaigner for renters and community rights as part of ACORN the community union. He is also studying toward a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Sussex.
Ian Hodson (@IanBFAWU) is National President of BFAWU (@bfawu1) ( the union responsible for McStrike and the SpoonsStrike elected by the membership on 3 occasions 2010, unopposed 2015, unopposed 2019. Part of a group of 5 that started the Fast food rights # Hungry for justice campaign which called for an end to youth min wage, abolition of zero hours contracts and for £10 min wage. Also President of Zero hours justice campaign an organisation created and funded by Julian Richer.
Natasha Josette (@NatashaJosette) is a communications professional and organiser for the political education project (@PolEdProj).
Sasha’s focus is on community organising and climate justice.