Public sector workers… the great problem for our Thatcherite Tories. What to do with them?

When the pandemic was raging (due to Boris’ incompetence) and there were a thousand deaths each day, the government needed the nurses, doctors and NHS staff. Today, however, Boris and the Tories have decreed that the pandemic is over, and the nation must be opened up. There will still be loads of Covid deaths, but that is just something the NHS will have to cope with – c’est la vie! The bottom line is that the economy must be re-opened ASAP. So, the healthcare staff are now not essential, and they have received a slap in the face with a 1% pay-rise (which is more than other public sector workers have received). Of course, it is an insult. But Boris and his boys and girls don’t care – they only associate themselves with the NHS when it comes time to get the sheep out to vote, and they don’t have to worry about that for, at least, 4 years.

I have a suspicion that, if public opinion supports the NHS staff too strongly, we will see the Ministry of Propaganda start spreading stories about all the anti-vaxx sentiment that is to be found in NHS staff. The Tories will do this to drive a wedge between the people and the NHS staff – it is already happening in France. Where the government is seeking to deflect criticism of the bungled vaccination program, by telling tales about the ant-vaxxers who work in the health service (the government will regret it, because the bottom line is that the healthcare workers will be there to save lives, while politicians will lie and blame others).

Thanks to Sunak’s budget, the NHS is about to be ripped apart again. The gutter-press has been building up the personality of Sunak – he is the wrong colour for the Tory voters, but perhaps if a sufficiently interesting character could be invented by the Daily Mail and the Telegraph, he may become more acceptable to the… thinking Gammons. Sadly, all the inventive genius of the right-wing journalists has been wasted. Sunak is as big an incompetent klutz as George Osborne – but without the cocaine, which was Osborne’s one and only attractive characteristic.

Boris and the ‘back to normal’ Tories seem to imagine this pandemic is over. I don’t believe it is. And it would be so embarrassing for Boris to have to start praising the healthcare workers again, after the slap in the face of 1%. But he would do it – he is without shame. He would blame one of the non-Oxford toadies in the government, and sacrifice him, or her.

Bowditch Williams


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