In times gone by Boris Johnson would have been long gone. His behaviour has often boarded upon criminal and in some cases insane. Yet he has managed to survive because those who sought to blame the EU for every historical event that did not go the way of every little Englander, since the dawn of time, have stood by him. Goodness knows why given that he was a Remainer who chose to jump when he was given the wink on the eve of the referendum.

From his management of Covid to his serial adultery to his perpetual lying to his covering up of criminality to his plotting to beat up a journalist to… well it just goes on and on.

As can be seen by the following link Mr Johnson has done some stuff that equates him with Richard II or Tony Blair on the killing front but his other activities might well render him the worst of the lot.

And so it goes with his most recent controversy. An affair with Jennifer Arcuri that he lied about and failed to declare.

One would also think that so called God fearing Christians would at this point denounce him. But not at all. The pix ‘n mix morality brigade have decided to put their faith on the shelf and cover it in an inconspicuous blanket.

Jacob Rees Mogg stated in an interview:

‘“Well judge not, that ye be not judged,” he said adding, “it’s not for me to be judging other people’s private lives and it’s really a private matter between Boris and his wife and family.

But Rees-Mogg appeared to breeze over the Bible’s explicit condemnation of adultery. “Thou shalt not commit adultery” is the sixth of the ten commandments and referred to throughout both the old and new testament.’

Fascinating given how judgemental and outspoken he is on so many other issues that he has decided his Brexit chum should be exempt.

To be fair there is as much chance of Jacob Rees Mogg getting in to heaven as Jimmy Savile being made the patron saint of children. In fact given the revelations of recent years the latter is much more likely.

Time will of course pass and Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees Mogg et al will get the historical narrative they deserve. Just as Richard II, Tony Blair and Jimmy Savile have. It just takes a while that is all.

The Brexit mobsters will have their day until………..

James Finlayson


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