Before anyone says anything, I am aware that this article may well be written this way for political reasons here in Wales (the advert at the top of the article alone…)…. BUT it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL ahead of the Welsh Senedd elections that Welsh Labour does distance themselves from UK Labour. I mean, there has been the inevitable videos with Starmer & Rayner as there always is in elections, but the explanation for the need, big need, to distance Welsh Labour from Starmer, is on the money. For the reasons outlined.

Welsh Labour’s Senedd Manifesto is way more progressive than what we know for sure about Starmer’s UK Labour, based on what Starmer has said and done. Or, more often, what he hasn’t said or done. I am proud here too of Welsh Labour Grassroots – Gwreiddiau Llafur Cymru in what they-we-say in this article.

So even IF this article had the intention of causing a rift, literally everyone I have discussed this with/read their comments on, on ALL sides of The Labour Party, agree re the immediate need for ‘clear red water’ and the sensible approach by Mark Drakeford & others in demonstrating what Labour in power can do, and how progressive & inclusive Labour can be under a Socialist leader and progressive policies.

Of course I have criticisms of Welsh Labour, including absurd suspensions prompted by the worst parts of those dipping in & out of Welsh Labour & UK Labour hierarchies, but the HUGE difference to Starmer’s Labour is our strength. In fact, it makes a huge difference in that the members & activists are, and will, work hard for Drakeford’s Welsh Labour, because they believe in the leader, they trust the leader, and they have seen in practice, and what is ahead re more progressive policies. UK Labour, as they are finding in England, is limping into their local elections…and by election…with councillors resigning en masse, activists refusing to be active etc. Even front bench MPs refusing to campaign apparently!!

The only response by the Cult of Starmer-and it really, really is a genuine political cult, not a manufactured one, is to double-down on their spectacular b*stardly, abusive hypocrisy. They become even more awful. They lash out. They start with the ‘Corbyn…’ BS. They laugh and become sarcastic as a self-defence model to protect their bubble, to prevent the “Hang on a minute…are we the bad guys here?!” self-evaluation. It is how these things always tend to crumble….the dinosaurs are always the last ones to see the meteor coming…

I will be proudly voting for Mark Drakeford’s Welsh Labour on Thursday 6th May. It feels a privilege, when it shouldn’t, to be able to say that about Labour. So, we must fight to defend-and increase-the clear red water. Let us in Wales lead by example and show WHY we are proud of the clear red water. ????????????????????????????

Adam Samuels @finnfan05


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