*As used EVERY DAY FOR YEARS by right-wing politicians and political commentators, the right-wing press, right-wing YouTubers, the alt-right, the hard-right and the far-right, Spiked, the Spectator, a vast network of Libertarian billionaire funded free-market think-tanks, institutions and ‘charities’, LBC, Times Radio, talkRADIO, and now, Britain’s very own Fox News: GB News.

Asset stripping: “wealth creation”

Asylum seekers: “illegals”

Being polite: “political correctness”

Billionaire: “wealth creator”

Booing the England football team: “free speech”

Bribery: “lobbying”

Challenging bigotry: “woke”

Challenging inflammatory rhetoric: “anti-free speech”

Clapping #NHS workers: “not gesture politics”

Collectivism: “Communism”

Concern about populist nationalism: “anti-British”

Consumer, worker & environmental protections: “red tape”

Critical theory: “cultural Marxism”

Critical thinking “wokification”

Critiquing free-market capitalism: “Marxism”

Deliberately inflammatory rhetoric: “free speech”

Demonising Muslims, migrants or minorities: “free speech/common sense”

Deregulation: “cutting red tape”

Disaster capitalist: “wealth creator”

Epidemiologist: “doomsday scientist”

Facemask: “face nappy/muzzle”

Far-right discourse: “marginalised voices”

Far-right rhetoric “free speech”

Food banks: “uplifting charitable support”

Free-market ideology: “common sense”

Fucking hopeless: “genius”

Good government: “nanny-state”

Government corruption: “doing your best”

Government law-breaking: “doing what’s best for Britain”

Greed: “good”

Health & safety: “bureaucracy”

Helping asylum seekers: “Lefty activism“

Homeless: “lacking self-discipline”

Housing crisis: “housing boom”

Humanities academic: “woke anti-British cultural Marxist”

Identifying structural/institutional racism: “unpatriotic”

Ignoring problems: “making tough decisions”

Ignoring problems: “strategic priorities”

Impoverishing people in Labour constituencies: “Levelling up”

Inequality: “incentivising”

Institutional, structural or systemic racism: “individual racism”

Isolationism: “freedom”

Journalism: “Lefty propaganda”

Low-paid insecure work: “flexible working”

Lying: “rhetoric”

Media literacy: “cultural Marxism”

Migration: “invasion”

Objecting to insults: “snowflake”

Oxbridge Professors “second-rate dons”

Privatisation: “wealth creation”

Profiteering: “outsourcing”

Propaganda: “news”

Protections for workers, consumers, citizens and the environment: “red tape”

Protest: “criminal activity”

Public sector: “inefficient”

Questioning injustice: “virtue-signalling”

Recognising social problems are often connected to class, sex, sexuality, age or ethnicity: “identity politics”

Refusing to help people: “common sense”

Removing pandemic safety measures: “freedom”

Researching the legacy of colonialism: “cultural Marxism”

Right-wing populist nationalism: “patriotism”

Seeking truth: “Undermining our way of life”

Selfish individualism: “freedom”

Self responsibility: “freedom”

Society: “families and individuals”

Student: “woke consumer”

Supporting Palestine: “antisemitic“

Taking the knee: “gesture politics”

Tax-avoidance: “creative accountancy”

Threat to the powerful: “unelectable”

Transfer of wealth from poor to rich: “austerity/neoliberalism”

Unemployed: “work-shy”

Welfare state: “nanny state”

Wishes of minority of total electorate: “will of the people”

Young person: “snowflake”

‘Divide and rule’ has been an effective political strategy for centuries

Anti-racism: “woke”

Art: “woke”

BBC: “woke”

Capitalism: “woke”

Charities: “woke”

Comedy: “woke”

Drama: “woke”

Education: “woke”

Empathy: “woke”

England football team: “woke”

Environmentalism: “woke”

Feminism: “woke”

Human Resources: “woke”

Human rights: “woke”

Ikea: “woke”

Labour: “woke”

Military industrial complex: “woke”

Museums: “woke”

National Trust: “woke”

Progressives: “woke”

Supermarkets: “woke”

Theatre: “woke”

Universities: “woke”

These real headlines from the libertarian billionaire funded online culture war magazine Spiked

This creative, divisive, & profoundly misleading use of language has evolved over the last forty years, emerging hand-in-hand with deregulated free-market capitalism.

The manufactured “war on woke” is a distraction, designed to keep voters divided. Under cover of COVID, wealth has been transferred from poor to rich on an unprecedented & unimaginable scale, eroding democracy & resulting in hardship, conflict, mass death & environmental collapse.

This process of wealth transfer has been accelerating for forty years, brought on by the neoliberal economic revolution, which increased ‘economic growth’, but also resulted in low-paid, insecure work, grotesque inequalities, failing public services, polarisation, the near collapse of democratic institutions, and climate change.

The push to ‘deregulate’ in order for the “free market” to function more “effectively” has driven down worker, consumer, citizen & environmental protections, while increasing exponentially the power of unelected & unaccountable corporations & grotesquely wealthy individuals.

These individuals & corporations have slowly infiltrated then ruthlessly taken over political parties & Governments across the world — including the Tory Party in the UK & the US Republicans — who simply represent elite interests, at great cost to the masses & to environment.

Perhaps the key mechanism by which they are enabled to continue exploiting human & environmental resources is by keeping a facade of democracy, while investing $BILLIONS in media outlets, think tanks, lobbying, PR & other forms of sophisticated, increasingly online, divisive propaganda, using the language described above.

In the UK we can see this process playing out by the (largely unreported) FACT that since 2009, the collective wealth of Britain’s richest 1,000 individuals has INCREASED by £480 BILLION, while millions have suffered hardship resulting from unnecessary & purely ideological austerity.

Globally, at least $30 TRILLION is hoarded offshore by the elite — an almost unimaginable amount — & now that the grotesque levels of inequality are resulting in widespread protest & civil unrest across the world, all they have left is to fall back on populist nationalism & the scapegoating of anyone or anything but the sociopathic libertarian elites, whose greed caused this mess.

The pandemic has provided cover for an unprecedented transfer of wealth from the poor to the already grotesquely wealthy.

Russ Jackson



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