Ok, always dangerous making generalisations, and obviously this does not apply to all, but the Labour right are often genuinely incredibly odd people. Some of them are the worst humans I have ever had the unfortunate ‘pleasure’ of dealing with. This is a great example – Luke Akehurst saying what is ‘normal’ here is both hilarious and genuinely worrying.

He and a lot of these people defend the Iraq war etc, are pro Neo liberalism and absolutely obsessively concerned with protecting The Establishment and opposing anything remotely resembling basic Social Democracy, never mind Socialism!! Politically they are centre right at best. They also share the exact same bizarre mindset as the mainstream media & commentariat. I.e. Defend Apartheid & ethnic cleansing and literal terrorist states. Those opposing them? Well, those people are “extremists and racists”.

These people are genuinely deluded. You cannot reason with them, they have one obsession only-opposing the very founding principles and policies of The Labour Party and anyone who supports them. They openly admitted they wanted May and Johnson over Corbyn. They are a genuine danger to democracy and the most irresponsible, politically stupid, awful, dinosaur-like has-been you are ever likely to see. No wonder Mark Drakeford and Welsh Labour members DESPERATELY want to cut all, or as many ties as possible, with UK Labour.

At Westminster we now have the worst government, worst opposition and worst media all at the same time. You can see the devastating and fatal consequences of this all around us. It’s absolutely f**king heart breaking & completely unnecessary and avoidable.

May God have mercy on us all…

Blog referenced from 2006: http://lukeakehurst.blogspot.com/2006/08/take-test.html

Simon Bolivar

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