Did you know that:

A quarter of Johnson’s cabinet have accepted donations from wealthy individuals who have links to Russia. One such donor, Lubov Chernukhin, who is married to an oligarch with close ties to Putin, has alone donated £2.1 million to the Conservative party. In 2018 she paid £20,000 at a Conservative fundraising auction in order to have lunch with Ruth Davidson, a lunch date which the Conservatives claim has not yet taken place….

Companies owned or controlled by Russian-British businessman Victor Fedotov have given donations to the election campaigns of at least 34 Conservative MPs. Fedotov made his millions from an allegedly corrupt Russian pipeline deal.

The financial sector in the City of London is a mains sewer for dirty Russian money. London is the global capital for laundering the corrupt gains of kleptocrats and Russian billionaires with close links to Putin’s regime.

The UK Office of National Statistics uses a broader measure of a Russian investment in the UK, and assessed it in 2016 to be around £25.5 billion. However these figures considerably underestimate the true amount of Russian wealth flowing into the UK since most of it arrives via tax havens in British territories such as the Cayman Islands, the Channel Islands and Bermuda. Over the past decade £68 billion has flowed into the UK from British controlled tax havens”. (Mike Wilce)

Who will decide when the Russian billionaires can return to the fold?



The bent politicians who say one thing and do another?

The CEO’s of the big oil and arms corporations?

The invisible people who never show their faces but twist the corkscrew in to our backs daily?

Some bloke called Bernard who I saw out walking his cats last night?

Please tell me who decides.

If I am going to have to avoid the corporate media and their let’s kill truth propaganda screaming at me from every puppet’s orifice how long will it last and why (when it’s stopped) has it stopped. Not the official reason. The real reason.

If democracy means anything at least tell me why civilians… are slaughtered without any say.

The walking dead chose to ignore all of the warnings and let the corporate media defecate all over their consciousness when they had the chance to turn the corner. Any blood spilled or lives lost is on their hands too.

The only people… who matter now are the poor ******* caught up in the war games played out in spite of them.

As pleasant as it is to head towards the darkness one will have eternity for that. Let there be light should be the symbol of life for us all.

Finally, if you have made it this far then possibly the light attracts you. In that case get fully enlightened and never succumb to their darkness again.

James Finlayson

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