First things first.
Let’s do the theory:
Apparently forty years of right wing politics and policies have taken a serious toll on intellectual faculties:
Now having read the theory let’s go to the aphorisms and basics:
How else would the establishment get 17 million people to vote for something that the right wing media now admit was ‘Fixed’?

No one would go to a Florist for a vehicle MOT so don’t talk about a more caring society with a Tory voter. They don’t want one. No one votes for a bunch of money and power obsessed sociopaths if they want CARING.
It wouldn’t make any sense.
And for those clinging to the idea the Tories will make you rich. You have been sold a pup.
And for those who wonder what an average day for a Tory looks like:
Finally a message from the MAJORITY who have NEVER voted Tory:

Douglas James
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