This is a reworked letter for you to copy and send in support of our fantastic junior doctor work force. Please do if you value our NHS.
Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Dear Mr Hunt,
We, the public and funders of the NHS of England, wish to state that we believe the following to be true:
The pledge to provide a “truly 7-day NHS” was uncosted, unfunded and incoherent
There is now consensus amongst healthcare professionals, thinktanks, your own civil servants that it is undeliverable on current budgets.
The contract you intend to impose was built around this discredited policy and is unworkable under prevailing conditions.
It will lead to irreparable damage to the medical workforce and by extension make our care as patients’ less safe.
It has been rejected in its entirety by the BMA – no clause has been agreed to.
Imposition of such a contract is unprecendented and totally unacceptable.
Imposition must be halted and new heads-of-terms agreed upon, followed by open and productive negotation of a new contract that will serve the best interests of patients, doctors and the NHS.
Yours sincerely,
You must add your full name, address and post code.
John Daniels