There is a very strong case for those who are supportive of a sovereign UK to also make the same case across the planet. To argue that all nations should be free from oppressive practices both externally and internally. To reject authoritarianism in all of its guises and to unite with others who seek the same freedoms. Thus, those who supported leaving the European Union should be in solidarity with Palestinians seeking to escape the subjugation and tyranny of Israel.

Brexit was a monumental decision in British history, driven by the desire for sovereignty, self-determination, and independence from supranational entities like the European Union. Those who championed Brexit did so with the vision of reclaiming control over their nation’s laws, borders, and policies. This fundamental yearning for autonomy aligns closely with the aspirations of the Palestinian people, who seek to establish an independent state free from foreign control. Here’s why Brexit supporters should empathise with and support the quest for an independent Palestine.

The Spirit of Sovereignty

The central tenet of the Brexit movement was sovereignty. Brexit supporters felt that the UK should be governed by its own elected representatives rather than by officials in Brussels. This sentiment is mirrored in the Palestinian quest for self-governance. Palestinians, like the British, yearn for the right to make their own decisions, govern their own affairs, and chart their own future without external interference. Just as Brexit advocates desired to take back control, Palestinians wish to reclaim control over their land and lives.


Self-determination is a principle that resonates deeply with those who voted for Brexit. It is the belief that people have the right to choose their own destiny. The Brexit referendum was an exercise in this principle, where the British public decided the course of their nation’s future. Palestinians, too, seek this right. They wish to determine their political status and pursue their economic, social, and cultural development freely. Supporting Palestinian self-determination is, therefore, a natural extension of the values upheld by Brexit supporters.

Freedom from External Control

One of the primary motivations for Brexit was the desire to escape perceived overreach by the European Union. Many Britons felt that EU regulations were stifling their economic potential and infringing on their national identity. Similarly, Palestinians experience restrictions on their movement, trade, and governance imposed by external powers. They aspire to break free from these constraints and enjoy the liberties that come with being an independent state. Brexit supporters, who understand the frustration of external control, can find common ground with Palestinians in their struggle for freedom.

National Identity and Pride

Brexit was also about reclaiming a sense of national identity and pride. The campaign emphasised the importance of British heritage, culture, and traditions. Palestinians, with their rich history and culture, seek recognition and respect for their national identity. They long for a state where they can freely express their cultural heritage and take pride in their national achievements. Just as Brexit was a statement of British pride and identity, an independent Palestine would affirm Palestinian identity and dignity.

Economic Independence

Economic autonomy was a key argument for Brexit. Many believed that leaving the EU would allow the UK to negotiate its own trade deals and foster economic growth. Palestinians similarly aspire to build an independent economy that is not reliant on external aid and restrictions. They seek the opportunity to develop their industries, trade freely with the world, and improve their living standards. Brexit supporters, who value economic independence, can empathise with Palestinians’ desire for economic self-sufficiency.

Brexit was a declaration of the British people’s desire to be free, independent, and masters of their own fate. These same principles underpin the Palestinian struggle for an independent state. By supporting Palestinian independence, Brexit supporters would be championing the universal right to self-determination and freedom from external control. They would be acknowledging that the desire for sovereignty and autonomy is not unique to the British but is a shared aspiration of all people seeking dignity and self-governance. In standing with Palestine, Brexit supporters affirm their commitment to the values that led them to vote for Brexit in the first place: freedom, independence, and the right to determine one’s own future.

The final word to A real Englishman

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