How many out there have heard of Agenda 21?, let alone know what it is all about. Very few I guess and there is a good reason. You are not meant to know, it’s as simple as that.
The biggest smokescreen for one hundred years has been put across your eyes and ears. Not a conspiracy theory, a conspiracy fact. A conspiracy against the whole of mankind by the corrupt UN. The mainstream media are gagged, as are radio and TV. Politicians dare not mention Agenda 21 and it is easy to see why. Messrs Letwin & Walter will quickly sidestep any mention but they are well aware of the implications, especially Robert Walter.
Agenda 21 is a huge, global issue affecting every living person, a very nasty plan slowly but surely being played out under our very noses and most don’t even know it’s happening. Like all the cleverest, subversive schemes, it is disguised by many names, ie Green, Smart, Sustainable, Localism, Big Society but the Globalist’s end game can only end one way, their way, unless we wake up, look up and take immediate and positive action.
To explain what Agenda 21 is all about would take tomes, may I suggest you Google Search it and fast.
However, the attached short video film is made by the ukcolumn.org. I am proud to be well associated with them and their work. It may give you a rude but very necessary awakening. This is our first attempt at dipping our toes in the water of film making so please excuse any content which doesn’t look too professional.
Watch, learn and awake, it’s later than you think! Your life really is in their hands until we stop it.
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m8Z6291mpU
James Pulleine