From Professor Noam Chomsky to Professor Stephen Hawking to Albert Einstein…some of the greatest minds that ever lived were/are Socialists (including Anarchists re Chomsky). The scientific community have proven beyond all doubt whatsoever that modern Capitalism is destroying our very existence and that of our planet at a truly astonishing rate. Meanwhile all of us are told that it’s “Student politics…utopian dreams…unrealistic” to want to do something about it by tackling the source head-on: Capitalism.

These dinosaur Neo Liberals are like ‘Chemical/Comical’ Ali who was declaring Saddam Hussein’s victory as his statue is toppled behind him live on tv. They are completely unwilling to do anything other than ramping up our collapse as a society because they have no alternative to offer (unlike in 1979 onwards when Thatcher, and Reagan the year after had Neo Liberalism ready to go after Pinochet/The Chicago Boy’s murdering, disastrous experiment of that system on the People of Chile).
But then, dinosaurs are usually the last to see the meteor coming…the new film ‘Don’t Look Up’ best exemplifies our world today…no wonder the media and dinosaurs don’t like it….

Anyway, I give you Albert Einstein…

Adam Samuels

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