Amanda Platell, for those who have not heard of her or have forgotten her, is very much at the core of the malignancy currently consuming the UK. A well known right winger who was communications director under William Hague, during the lengthy period of Conservative Opposition that began in the 90’s, she became embroiled in using tax payers money to lavish herself.

The following is a detailed explanation of her role in the parliamentary expenses scandal and then proceeds on to how she is still acting as a far right cheerleader and propagandist.

The UK Parliamentary Expenses Scandal: Amanda Platell’s Involvement and Its Impact

The UK parliamentary expenses scandal, which emerged in 2009, rocked the nation and severely damaged public trust in politicians. Amanda Platell, a prominent journalist and media personality, found herself entangled in the controversy when her expense claims came to light. This following explores the details of the scandal, focusing on Platell’s involvement, the specific expenses she claimed, the public’s reaction, and the implications it had on the political landscape and public perception.

The UK Parliamentary Expenses Scandal: Overview

The parliamentary expenses scandal was a watershed moment in UK politics. It involved the revelation of extravagant and questionable expense claims made by Members of Parliament (MPs) from various political parties. The scandal was first exposed by The Daily Telegraph newspaper, which obtained leaked information about MPs’ expense claims.

Amanda Platell: Background and Role in the Scandal

Amanda Platell, a seasoned journalist and former Director of Communications for the UK Conservative Party, found herself embroiled in the scandal due to her expense claims during her time as an MP’s aide. Platell’s career in media and politics made her a high-profile figure, intensifying the scrutiny on her actions during the scandal.

The Nature of Platell’s Expense Claims

Platell’s expense claims came under intense public scrutiny once they were made public. Reports indicated that she had filed claims for items that raised eyebrows, including expensive designer dresses, luxury goods, and lavish meals. Such claims were deemed extravagant and raised questions about the appropriateness of using parliamentary allowances for personal indulgence.

Public Outrage and Reactions

The revelation of Platell’s expense claims, alongside those of other MPs, sparked widespread public outrage. Citizens were already grappling with the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, and the perception of politicians misusing taxpayers’ money added fuel to the fire. Social media and public forums became platforms for expressing anger and disappointment at the misuse of parliamentary allowances.

Political Fallout and Accountability

As the scandal unfolded, political repercussions were inevitable. Pressure mounted on political leaders and parties to take decisive action against MPs involved in the scandal. Amanda Platell’s connections to the Conservative Party further complicated matters. The public demanded accountability and transparency, leading to internal investigations and disciplinary actions.

The Impact on Public Trust and Perception of Politics

The expenses scandal had a profound impact on public trust in politics and politicians. The public’s disillusionment and anger over the misuse of taxpayers’ money eroded confidence in the UK’s democratic system. It further reinforced the perception that politicians were disconnected from the everyday struggles of ordinary citizens.

Reforms and Rebuilding Public Trust

In the wake of the scandal, urgent reforms were necessary to restore faith in the political system. The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) was established to oversee MPs’ expenses and ensure greater transparency and accountability. Rebuilding public trust required both immediate reforms and a sustained effort by politicians to demonstrate their commitment to serving the public interest.

The Role of Media in Exposing the Scandal

The role of the media, particularly The Daily Telegraph, in exposing the expenses scandal was crucial. Investigative journalism played a significant role in bringing the issue to light and holding politicians accountable for their actions. However, it also led to debates about media ethics and the line between responsible reporting and intrusion into private lives.

Comparisons to Other Political Scandals

The UK parliamentary expenses scandal was not the first instance of political misconduct and misuse of public funds. This analysis draws comparisons with previous political scandals, both in the UK and other countries, to highlight the systemic issues that allowed such misconduct to occur.

Lessons Learned and Moving Forward

The expenses scandal was a dark chapter in UK political history, but it provided valuable lessons for the future. It emphasised the importance of transparency, accountability, and integrity in the political process. Moving forward, politicians, media organisations, and the public needed to work together to rebuild trust in democratic institutions.

In conclusion, the UK parliamentary expenses scandal of 2009, with Amanda Platell’s involvement, significantly impacted public perception of politics and politicians. It exposed a culture of entitlement and misuse of public funds that eroded public trust in the democratic process. However, the scandal also served as a wake-up call, leading to essential reforms and a renewed commitment to transparency and accountability in the UK’s political system. Through a collective effort, the nation could learn from the mistakes of the past and build a stronger, more accountable democracy for the future.

Far right propagandist

Platell did not exit stage left with a sincere apology to the British people. On the contrary she became an apologist for far right charlatans and continues to deceive the public. As a Daily Mail columnist (amongst the most untrustworthy corporate media in Europe) she maintains her stance of championing self serving liars.

He she refers to a populist label to invoke the premise that anyone who does not conform to her way of thinking must be ‘woke’.

And yet when someone is treated similarly but is in opposition to her perspective there is nothing but silence from Ms Platell.

Anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller was told a bank account for her political party would close without explanation.

Monzo initially refused to tell Ms Miller why her “True and Fair” party account would be closed in September.

After the BBC contacted the bank about the case, it said it did not allow political party accounts and had made a mistake in allowing it to be opened.’

Thus, is Monzo also ‘woke’ Ms Platell? Or is it just a phrase you use to cover your dogma?

She counts among her best friends other far right purveyors of ignorance and hate:

If one is standing up to inform people about climate change, not being good little puppies whilst being whipped in to conformity, she fires off her rancid spittle

But the best for last for those who see through the malignancy:

Ms Platell attempted to challenge those who considered Boris Johnson’s tales of Covid woes to be just that tales.

And even made out she had spoken to ‘a member of Boris Johnson’s Covid team’ which meant that this so called member should face a disciplinary for breaking confidentiality, if true. But the best bit is that she asked her followers whether Johnson had lied and behold:

The UK public, by a huge majority, can see the wood for the trees and are NOT taken in by this far right apologist.

There is hope folks!

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