A shocking new revelation from Anthony Seldon’s biography, “Truss at 10: How Not To Be A Prime Minister,” has unveiled that former Prime Minister Liz Truss seriously contemplated cancelling NHS-funded cancer care in 2022 as a desperate measure to tackle the UK’s growing economic crisis. Although the plan never came to fruition, the mere consideration of such a drastic option has sparked widespread outrage and renewed criticism of Truss’s short-lived and controversial premiership.

Seldon’s biography offers a detailed account of the chaotic period following Truss’s ill-fated mini-budget, which triggered market instability and a sharp decline in the value of the pound. As the economic crisis deepened, Truss and her inner circle were faced with the daunting task of finding ways to mitigate the financial damage and restore confidence in the UK’s economy. Amid this turmoil, Seldon reveals, a radical proposal was put forward: to cancel NHS cancer care and redirect the funds to cover the gaping hole in public finances.

The biography suggests that the idea was born out of sheer desperation. Truss, who was determined to implement her economic vision despite mounting opposition, was reportedly suggesting several extreme measures to reduce public spending. Among them, cutting cancer care was seen as a potential quick fix to free up billions of pounds, despite the moral and political risks it entailed.

The revelation has reignited criticism of Truss’s leadership, with many arguing that the very consideration of cutting cancer care exemplifies the reckless and out-of-touch nature of her brief time in office. Opposition leaders have condemned the idea as a sign of how disconnected Truss was from the realities of ordinary people’s lives.

Anthony Seldon’s biography paints a portrait of a Prime Minister struggling to maintain control in the face of overwhelming challenges, resorting to increasingly extreme measures to avoid economic collapse. While Liz Truss ultimately did not follow through with the proposal to cut cancer care due to the fact that she was forced to resign, the fact that it was seriously considered adds another layer to her already troubled legacy.

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