In a case that seems more suited to a crime novel than real life, a German pizzeria in Düsseldorf has been shut down after authorities uncovered an unusual and illegal side business. The restaurant, which was believed to be an ordinary neighborhood eatery, was offering a “special” dish on its menu that included an illicit twist — cocaine. According to police, the pizzeria was delivering cocaine when customers ordered the now-infamous “item number 40” from the menu, turning this routine delivery into a covert drug distribution operation.

The investigation into the Düsseldorf pizzeria began earlier this year when local food inspectors raised suspicions. What was originally a standard inspection turned into something far more sinister after certain anomalies were flagged by the officials. Food inspectors first tipped off the police in March 2024, prompting the Düsseldorf drug squad to investigate. They kept a close eye on the pizzeria, suspecting something was amiss but initially unsure of the full extent of the operation.

As the police monitored the establishment, they observed peculiar behavior by both staff and customers. It wasn’t long before the pizzeria’s secret activities came to light. Criminal director Michael Graf von Moltke, who led the investigation, remarked that item number 40 on the menu, which was served alongside a customary helping of cocaine, was among the restaurant’s best-selling dishes. This covert operation cleverly used a seemingly innocent food menu item to hide the sale of illegal substances in plain sight.

After weeks of careful surveillance, the drug squad was ready to act. Officers made their move by visiting the apartment of the restaurant’s manager, hoping to catch him in the act. What followed was a scene straight out of a crime comedy. When the police buzzed the manager’s door, he panicked and attempted to dispose of the incriminating evidence by throwing a bag of drugs out of the window. Unfortunately for him, the bag fell directly into the hands of the waiting officers below.

This blunder proved to be a major breakthrough in the investigation. With the evidence quite literally falling into their laps, the police immediately arrested the manager and proceeded to search both his apartment and the pizzeria itself. During the search, they discovered 1.6 kilograms of cocaine, 40 grams of cannabis, and a significant amount of cash — €268,000 (£223,480). The 36-year-old restaurant manager was detained for a few days as authorities pieced together the broader operation.

In a move that stunned investigators, the pizzeria’s manager was released after a few days in custody. Even more surprisingly, he reopened the pizzeria and resumed selling item number 40 on the menu, complete with its illegal side order. His brazenness shocked both the police and the local community. However, this reckless decision gave law enforcement an additional opportunity to trace the supply chain and identify more members of the drug ring.

The police, now fully aware of the drug operation, continued their surveillance, carefully observing transactions and tracking the flow of drugs. This additional time allowed investigators to piece together the full scope of the illegal network.

After several weeks of gathering evidence, authorities launched a coordinated raid. The operation involved more than 150 officers, who executed a series of raids across western Germany. These raids resulted in the dismantling of a well-organized drug ring that spanned several cities in the region. In addition to the pizzeria’s manager, police arrested three key individuals, including the suspected head of the entire operation — a 22-year-old who authorities believe was the mastermind behind the drug distribution network.

The investigation didn’t stop there. Law enforcement also raided the homes and businesses of 12 other suspects linked to the ring. The sweeping operation uncovered not only additional drugs but also evidence pointing to larger cannabis cultivation operations. Two cannabis farms were discovered during the raids in the nearby cities of Mönchengladbach and Solingen. The farms had a combined total of nearly 360 plants, with 300 found in Mönchengladbach and 60 in Solingen. These cannabis farms were likely supplying the drugs that were being sold alongside the pizzeria’s pizzas.

With the drug ring dismantled and the evidence piling up, the pizzeria’s manager knew the net was closing in. In a desperate attempt to avoid further legal consequences, he tried to flee the country. However, the police were prepared and arrested him before he could make his escape. He remains in custody, facing a series of serious charges related to drug trafficking and money laundering.

The entire operation, which began with a routine food inspection, culminated in a major victory for law enforcement. The successful investigation not only put an end to the illegal drug sales at the pizzeria but also exposed a much larger criminal enterprise that had been operating under the radar for months, if not years.

The bizarre details of the case have shocked residents in Düsseldorf and beyond. Many are baffled that such an elaborate and dangerous operation was happening in plain sight. The pizzeria had operated in the community for years, and its sudden connection to an international drug ring has left locals feeling uneasy. The story of item number 40 and its illicit side order quickly spread, generating significant media attention and fueling discussions about how easily criminal operations can hide within legitimate businesses.

The case also raises important questions about the role of food inspectors and law enforcement in uncovering hidden criminal activities. While food inspections are typically focused on health and safety standards, this case highlights the unexpected ways in which inspectors can sometimes stumble upon much larger issues. Without the initial tip-off from the inspectors, it’s possible the drug operation could have continued unchecked.

The Düsseldorf pizzeria case is a reminder that illicit drug trade can take many forms, and criminal organizations are often more inventive than one might expect. Using a restaurant to deliver drugs under the guise of food deliveries is not a new tactic, but the extent and organization of this particular operation were surprising.

For law enforcement agencies, this case serves as a blueprint for how to handle such situations. It underscores the importance of patience, surveillance, and carefully coordinated raids. Had the police acted too soon, they might have only arrested the pizzeria manager without ever uncovering the larger drug network. By allowing the operation to continue for a short time, they were able to build a comprehensive case and bring down the entire organization.

The case of item number 40 on the menu will go down as one of the more unusual drug busts in recent memory. What started as a pizza with a “special” side order ended in the dismantling of a drug ring spanning multiple cities in western Germany. The persistence of both the pizzeria’s manager and the investigators played key roles in bringing this strange story to its conclusion. For now, residents of Düsseldorf can rest a little easier knowing that both the pizzas and their neighborhood are no longer part of an illegal operation.

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