Remember, this is WITH mainstream media support, commentariat support, Labour MP support, and perhaps most importantly, the vast majority of members and the public not aware of almost all the sh*tty things being done?..
Despite courts actually confirming corruption, Keir Starmer has said Matthew Hancock should not resign. Boris Johnson should not resign. Robert Jenrick should not resign. Priti Patel should not resign. Dpminic Raab should not resign. Cressida Dick should not resign. Illegal activities, including murder and rape, should not be prosecuted if done by our own public servants. Asking back Lord Corruption Peter Mandleson-literally a bestie of Epstein. BAME, Minority, Black, Asian, Muslim, Palestinian, Trans, Kashmiri, Disabled members leaving, readmitting people who in their OWN WORDS worked against the Party to stop us winning in 2017. Starmer & Evans have suspended more Jewish members than any other Labour leader. The treatment of Corbyn has been and is completely illegal & beyond a disgrace. Breaking the law of the land, Labour rules, NEC decisions, PLP standing orders, ignoring Labour’s own legal advice, breaking EHRC rules openly with pride. They are absolutely compulsive liars and completely untrustworthy. They have been literally, acting as fascists internally, shutting down democracy, banning discussions, suspending anyone trying to submit votes of no confidence, literally offering access to policy meetings for donation money….placing the UK Party to the RIGHT of the Tories economically….

And where is the outrage? Where is the mainstream media coverage? Where is the outrage re Jewish suspensions? About the majority of Muslim members not trusting Starmer to tackle Islamophobia? People who ignore this and still support Starmer and Evans…WHY?!?!
How on earth is thus ‘better than the Tories’?! How is them doing all this NOT helping the Tories?!?!
Adam Samuels