
Officers searching for a man who had gone missing from Shaftesbury are pleased to update that he has returned home.

Michael Harris went missing from his home in the evening of Saturday 18 July 2020 and was reported missing on Sunday 19 July 2020.

We would like to thank everyone who shared our appeal.

Officers are appealing for the public’s help to find a man who has gone missing from Shaftesbury.

Michael Harris, 61, went missing from his home in Allen Road sometime between 6pm and 6.30pm on Saturday 18 July 2020. He was reported missing at 11.43am on Sunday 19 July 2020.

He is described as white, five feet nine inches tall, with greying brown hair and of medium build. He has tattoos on his arms and legs and wears glasses. He was last seen wearing a plain black bomber jacket, a black and grey T-shirt and black canvas shoes.  

Chief Inspector Lindsay Dudfield, of Dorset Police, said: “We know Michael has been upset lately and officers are carrying out searches for him. 

“Due to the passage of time Michael has been missing and the fact he has not taken vital medication, we are very concerned for him and need to find him urgently.

“I would urge anyone who has seen Michael or a man matching the description given to please contact Dorset Police immediately.

“Finally, if you see this appeal Michael, please make contact with us or your family so we can ensure you are safe and well.”

Anyone with information or knowledge as to where Michael might be is asked to contact Dorset Police at www.dorset.police.uk, via email [email protected] or by calling 101, quoting incident number 19:234.

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