I was phoning my wife from the Bilderberg Fringe event to check in and tell her I hadn’t been CS gassed and the atmosphere was friendly when a rush of people charged to the barricades to see a man tamely walking 50 metres toward the G4S security to be arrested, and taken away to the police. Shortly after, a group of people with placards went to the barrier and chanted “bring us back our Man of God”…
Despite the BBC’s deliberate absence from the event, around half the 1000 or so people within the cordoned off Bilderberg Fringe Festival had cameras and were recording. The police in turn were videoing us from helicopters and discreetly, over the barricades. The event had global reach despite the studious ignorance from Her Majesty’s broadcasting service.
There were as many theories as to the true nature of the event in the Grove Hotel, outside Watford, as there were people. Speakers propounded that the New World Order already had manned bases on Mars and the Moon. Others said they were deciding who should take over governance in various upcoming elections – it is oft said that Rupert Murdoch decided to support Tony Blair after one such Bilderberg event.
On Facebook I was relieved to see that a proponent of some of the more far out conspiracy theories complaining that the “mainstream” had taken over the protesting. Watching a speaker from Camelot tell the crowd about Martian bases, I was quite glad to hear of this. I was talking to someone who complained that the nutters who suggested such crazy notions were in the pay of the Bilderberg event to discredit the protestors, and distract from the proper business taking place. I never did get round to what he thought was taking place in there as someone noticed he had a list of delegates at the event proper, a mile across the valley.
So, if not how to subjugate the poor into being Matrix like slaves for the benefit of a small coterie of leaders, what was the event about? The agenda for this event was not published at the time of writing.
Reading the list of delegates (please see this here) you will probably get an idea of what is actually going on:
That Turkey had a heavy presence suggests that Syria was on the agenda – we all know the West is pondering the next step.
That banks, major corporations, and politicians of many countries were there suggests that offshore tax havens will be a major topic – though more like asking turkeys whether a turkey flavoured soya protein roast should be the main event at Christmas dinner…
Major publishing houses and feeder academic institutions to the top flight of Blue Chip companies were also present. Who knows what was actually discussed? I somehow doubt that it was Martian bases for after they have ruined Planet Earth with global warming…
What should interest the mainstream is that those people were there. Many of the institutions from the UK Parliament to HSBC, were authors of the Credit Crunch and global austerity as politicians tried to grab savings from poor people to pay for the colossal errors of their fellow Bilderberg delegates in the banks.
The Messiahs weren’t the only speakers at the event. Privacy campaigners such as Steve Jolly of the No CCTV campaign also spoke. The campaign began after locals in Birmingham discovered the police had installed anti-terror CCTV cameras in the city, which would openly watch local Muslims as they did their business. This kicked off an international media frenzy and brought focus on the UK’s creeping “Surveillance State”. That such people were pilloried within the conspiracy movement as being “mainstream” really saddens – more people like those and fewer chemtrail Messiahs would attract better coverage of the event.
Unarguably this is an event that requires straight laced coverage as these people are the doers of the world. They decide as individuals what happens to us. Amazon’s founder Jeff Bezos both screws the UK government out of tax yet has become the internet department store of preference in much of the world. HSBC and Barclays? Bankers the lot of them. Ed Balls is the millionaire Shadow Chancellor (who is now agreeing with the Tories on welfare cuts). Tobacco magnate and Tory Cabinet dinosaur Ken Clarke?!
The Fringe event was a sideshow and kept almost secret by the establishment itself. There is a video of a man being arrested for protesting in an orange suit outside the event as the protest could only take place over the fence from the road and out of sight of traffic as well as the delegates at the event. From the road it looked like a private party for a bunch of crazies! Sadly, until the mainstream media does take more of an interest in the substance of what is taking place, and not the Messiahs protesting outside, so the event will remain the preserve of the Establishment a mile away, and crazies in a forgotten corner of the grounds…
Richard Shrubb