Blandford Grange Care Home, part of the Healthcare Homes group, is delighted to share the story of their cherished resident, Rosemary Pavey. At just 18 years old, Rosemary embarked on a journey that would see her become a beloved figure in the local community, and a stalwart of the Great Dorset Steam Fair.

Rosemary’s entrepreneurial spirit shone early, when she started her own sandwich company. Her passion for food and customer service truly blossomed when a friend asked her to help with his Tea & Coffee stall at the renowned Great Dorset Steam Fair. Rosemary established her own venture at the fair, aptly named ‘Rose’s Tea in Mugs.’ Her stall became a staple, offering a variety of delights including cooked breakfasts, tea, coffee, cakes, and sandwiches. Rosemary’s dedication extended beyond just serving food; she made it a point to show appreciation to the ‘Heavy Horses’ workers—those dedicated individuals caring for the show horses at the fair—by offering them complimentary food and drinks for their efforts.

Rosemary’s love for baking and hospitality did not end at the steam fair. She went on to successfully manage three restaurants in Boscombe, showcasing her culinary talents and managerial prowess until she was around 39 years old. Her career not only highlights her hard work and determination but also her unwavering commitment to providing excellent service and
delicious food to her community.

In addition to her impressive career, Rosemary ran a renowned catering business in her younger years. Her baking skills, in particular, were highly celebrated. Today, as a valued resident at Blandford Grange Care Home, Rosemary continues to share her passion for baking. Every
Saturday, she gets her whisk out and makes cakes for the residents, which are then served on the afternoon tea trolley. Other residents are also encouraged to join in with the morning bake-off sessions, fostering a sense of community and shared joy.

We are honoured to celebrate Rosemary’s legacy and the remarkable journey that brought her here. Her vibrant stories and enduring spirit continue to inspire both staff and fellow residents.

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