As Boris Johnson feebly responds to each new crisis, increasingly it is becoming clear that he is a hollow man. He is a triumph of vanity and ambition over ability and integrity, a mediocre talent promoted way above his level of competence. A fact even Johnson himself acknowledges, describing himself being prime minister is “ludicrous“

His former boss, Max Hastings, previously editor of the Daily Telegraph, stated that Boris Johnson was “manically disorganised about everything except his image management”

The recent re-shuffling of the Cabinet was like re-arranging the deckchairs on the Titanic after the iceberg has hit. The Cabinet’s rotten core, the prime minister’s weak performance, was not addressed. Sub-standard judgement  and major gaffes by ministers are ignored, unless mysteriously a security camera is secretly installed in their office. Who authorised that?

Boris Johnson’s inexperience and lack of political understanding lets him down time after time. His Conference speech where he talks of the plan to let all the low paid workers leave, so employers would be forced to pay higher wages, shows him to be “economically illiterate” according to the Adam Smith Institute, a major force behind Margaret Thatcher’s premiership. Business leaders just wonder what planet is he is on?
Consumers just worry who will end up paying for all this.

Basically he is still a journalist, and he wasn’t even a very good journalist, he was sacked by the Times for making up facts. This is why he is obsessed with the next day’s headlines, instead of what really matters.

His university  background was poor preparation – Classics not economics or politics. However the decline and fall of Ancient Rome might be relevant –  as the government seeks to undermine any remaining influence this country once had in the world!

The corruption of Ancient Rome is perhaps seen by Johnson as guidance for the present government’s outsourcing procurement programmes.

Bluster and quips are no substitute for good judgement.

Andrew Milroy

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