Boris Johnson and the far right are not saving the planet they are killing it

Bombs are raining down on Ukraine, and our government is using it as an an opportunity to take us back to the dark ages.

The pressure to wean ourselves off Russian oil and gas could supercharge the transition to renewables. Instead, Boris Johnson is pushing for more UK oil production and even a return to dangerous fracking!

But wind and solar are plentiful, and we could get energy from them pretty quickly! This would finally put an end to our reliance on oil and gas – whether it’s from Russia, Saudi Arabia, or our own North Sea.

That’s why we need to write to MPs about the plan to get us there – the Green New Deal. We can’t let the short sighted ambitions of this government roll back hard won progress towards a greener and fairer economy.

Will you write to your MP now and ask them to back our plan, the Green New Deal bill?
yes! I’ll write to my MP
Right now, there is a small but noisy group led by Nigel Farage banging the drums of climate denial, arguing that climate action will be expensive and hit the poorest hardest. But we know this is not true.

A group of climate champions in Parliament have tabled a Green New Deal Bill that details a plan to transition our economy to renewables, and does it in a way that creates jobs, warms our homes and reduces energy bills. It’s the first step towards a better future – one where everyone can thrive.

But it’s our job to make sure Nigel and his noisy lot don’t drown them out. We know people up and down this country are worried about the climate crisis and want the government to take rapid action.  It’s crucial that our MPs hear from us now.

Can you email your MP and ask them to back the Green New Deal bill?
I’ll do it!
In a scary world, the most important thing we can do is take action together.

Thank you for all you do.

Hannah Green New Deal Rising

PS: to find out more about the bill, sign up to our webinar with co-sponsors, Caroline Lucas MP and Clive Lewis MP on Monday the 21st of March at 6pm. Sign up here! PPS: The Green New Deal Bill is going to its second reading next Friday the 18th of March. We’re aiming for 50 MPs to put their name to it by then – currently we’ve got 31. Make sure to take 3 minutes to email your MP now!


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